Should Christians only use Bible translations that are based on the Textus Receptus?

“Examine all things; hold fast to that which is good.” — Apostle Paul

This site is a dedicated resource to equip questioning saints with the doctrine and truth they need to discern if the Greek New Testament text known as the Textus Receptus should be the sole basis for today’s English Bible translations.

1 What Does Scripture Teach About Its Own Preservation?

Does Scripture teach that the Word of God can get lost? What about using a translation that has variants differing from previously received manuscripts? As Reformers who affirm Sola Scriptura, it’s vital that we get our doctrine of the preservation of Scripture from Scripture itself, rather than the traditions of men. Our first question is always, What says the Scripture?

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3 Which Version of the Textus Receptus Is Identical to the Autographs?

The Textus Receptus had more editions than the Nestle-Aland Critical Text platform. Like the CT editions, many of them were minor revisions, but the commonly-espoused Scrivener edition popularized by the Trinitarian Bible Society has some interesting changes from the 1550 Stephanus and 1598 Beza New Testaments. If the Textus Receptus is identical to the original autographs, which version achieved this?

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6 Why Reject the Greek Text Used By the Reformers? (And Other Reasonable Objections)

Aren’t German liberals deciding what the modern English Bible versions say? Don’t they lack major portions of Scripture? Aren’t modern Bibles dumbing down the culture? Don’t alternative readings cause confusion and undermine people’s understanding of reliability? In this article, we deal with various concerns that are frequently brought up in the TR controversy.

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